The Importance of Office Ergonomics

Office Interiors Denver

How many hours in a typical work week do you spend time sitting behind a desk? For most office workers the numbers each week exceed well over 40 hours. An ergonomic office chair is quite different from a traditional office chair. Ergonomically designed office chairs are structured to provide rest to the main body parts that experience stress and strain throughout the course of a day. Proper office ergonomics can make an impact through the following:


  • Ergonomic chairs provide proper posture support. Ergonomic chairs are customized with head and back rests that support posture. Height adjustments can be made as well which encourage a position of sitting with your feet flat on the floor, knees at a ninety degree angle to the floor and parallel to the hips.
  • Quite simply ergonomic chairs are the most comfortable. This is because they are fully adjustable to the individual’s preferences unlike a normal chair.

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My conference room is 10-feet x 14-feet. How big can my conference table be?

Office Furniture Lady

Conference rooms are cool.

Whether you’re meeting with clients, collaborating with co-workers or hearing about new and exciting things your company is doing, they provide a centralized space for communicating.

But how do you choose what size table is best for your room?

There are 2 key things you need to consider when you’re making this decision.

1. How big is your room?

A 10 x 10-foot room is actually not big enough for a 10-foot conference table.  A good rule of thumb is to make sure you have a minimum of 3-4 feet on all sides of your table, so that chairs can be moved comfortably within your space.  In a 10 x 10′ room, a 42″ or 48″ round conference table are your best bet.

Most 10-foot conference tables are between 3.5 and 4-feet wide, so a 16 x 10-foot room is the minimum size you will need to fit…

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What is an L-Desk

Office Furniture Lady

An L-Desk is a desk with two pieces: the main desk you work at, and an additional attached work-area called a “return”.  The picture above shows an L-Desk.

It gets its name from the shape- if you look at the desk from an aerial view, it looks like the letter “L”.

They come in different sizes, and the return (or “L”) can be on the right side or the left side.

The side you choose to put the return on is usually based on where the desk will best fit in your office.  There are times when a right-handed person prefers a right-handed L-desk, or a left-handed person prefers a left-handed L-desk, but most often the room dictates the best direction for the desk.

Some standard overall sizes for L-Desks are below:

5′ x 6′ L-Desk (30×60″ Desk with 24×42″ Return)  –  minimum office size needed is 8′ x 6′…

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What is a Lateral File Cabinet?

Office Furniture Lady

There are two types of File Cabinets: Lateral Files and Vertical Files.

Vertical Files are what you think of when you think of traditional file cabinets.  They come in letter-size or legal-size, depending on that size files you need to store, and they’re approximately 14-17″ wide.  They come out from the wall in varying depths.  28″-32″ depths are fairly common in older cabinets.

Lateral Files are a newer breed.  They’re wider and sit closer to the wall, instead of sticking out so far into the room.

They usually accommodate letter-sized files or legal-sized files.  They often have built in sides that you can hang legal-sized hanging files on directly.  If you need to file letter-sized documents, they have a side-to-side bar you can use to convert them to fit letter-sized hanging file folders.  You can also get front-to-back bars that will allow you to file front to back (the way…

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Office Furniture That Lets You Exercise While You Work

Corporate Space Planning & Relocation Advice

For the “modular employee” that likes to keep moving, even when at the office, or individuals that need or want to include some exercise in their day even though life and work demand otherwise, there are office furniture solutions just for you.

Introducing the treadmill desk!

Similar to the sit-stand desk, the treadmill desk is a desk or table top with a height adjustable stand. However, attached to the foot of the stand amidst the desk’s legs is, you guessed it, a treadmill. Now the modular employee can bring work and exercise together by walking while he/she continues regular business activities.

The treadmill desks are built with certain safety features. Unlike regular treadmills that are seen in a gym, the treadmill desks have a limited maximum rotation speed of six kilometers per hour (6km/h) which does not allow for jogging or running. They are built with a high torque system…

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Teamwork Office Furniture : Allsteel Gather

Crawford and Company

Teamwork Office Furniture : Allsteel Gather.- By Meghan Young.

The Allsteel Gather office furniture collection focuses on the latest evolution of the workplace, which happens to involve teamwork and collaboration. Instead of encouraging distance, independence and an overall sterile environment, this collection embraces connectivity between coworkers that will breed casual, spontaneous exchanges and other such interactions.

Especially perfect for idea sharing, the Allsteel Gather office furniture collection will promote a more creative routine. In place of stifling cubicles and drab decor, the Allsteel Gather collection offers modern designs that are more open and airy.

The Allsteel Gather office furniture collection was commissioned by HOK and IDa Design. It won Silver at this year’s NeoCon, which shows just how much people want a more collaborative and interactive to space to work in. Allsteel specifically caters to this.

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Increase Office Productivity By Re-Arranging Your Office Furniture

ACT Furniture

If your office is cramped and you lack adequate storage space, it may well be time for a clear out. Although the vast majority of offices have not quite made it to the ‘paperless office’ stage, you may well find that due to cloud computing, you really don’t need to print out as much paperwork as you did in the past. Have a realistic look at your office and be honest – are there files stacked up which haven’t needed to be accessed for over 12 months? If so, it’s time to start archiving.

There’s no real need to throw old paperwork out unless you know you really won’t need to use it again, but it is a good idea to archive those files which aren’t active. Choose a storage system which will house all of the current paperwork and will also have room to store more for the future…

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Tips to save money on office furniture

Vision Projects Limited

Are you planning to move to new office? Do you want some amazing office interior design ideas? Do you want some tips to save money while buying furniture? If the answers to the questions that were just asked above are yes, you are probably at the perfect place at the right time.

With the increase in time, the importance of appearance is increasing big time. Everyone wants to work in the place that has best infrastructure. So, with the increase in demand, there are several people who have started the office interior fit out companies.

So, if you are planning to buy the office furniture, it is difficult to choose the perfect companies. You need to be extra careful because one wrong selection can cause several troubles. It can make or break the look and feel of your new work place.

So, while you are thinking of some…

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